Anesthesia Subspecialties
The Anesthesiology specialties listed below are areas where our department has significant focus and involvement. There are additional areas of Anesthesiology specialization including transplant, chronic pain management, geriatrics, bariatrics, etc. for which we also provide care. For just about any area of surgical or procedural specialization there is an associated area of specialization in Anesthesiology primarily because each different type of surgery may involve a different subset of patients and different set of preoperative concerns, intra-operative requirements and clinical consequences. Long Island Anesthesiologists engages in ongoing efforts to build and maintain expertise in all areas of specialization where our services are requested. And individually, our physicians are committed to providing the highest standard of care in all our clinical settings. Please refer to our “Annual Clinical Initiatives” for more information about our ongoing quality improvement and academic endeavors.
Regional Anesthesia/Orthopedics

Pediatric Anesthesiology

Obstetric Anesthesiology


Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia

Our department is also routinely involved in the care of patients for major and minor vascular surgery. These procedures range from vein stripping to carotid endarterectomy to both open and endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms. In general, patients with systemic and peripheral vascular disease carry with them a cluster of medical issues requiring broad knowledge and skill from the anesthesiologists involved in their care. We are fortunate and privileged to work with an active vascular surgery service through which our department maintains a cutting edge ability to care for these patients, and a broad understanding of the perioperative issues that often accompany vascular surgery.
Critical Care Anesthesia

Ambulatory Anesthesia / Day Surgery

Post-operative Pain Management / The Acute Pain Service

– Preoperative medication initiation
– Intra-operative preconditioning
– Single Shot, Continuous or patient controlled Epidural Analgesia
– Single Shot or Continuous Peripheral Nerve Blocks
– Abdominal Wall Blocks
– optimized adjuvant analgesics
One or more of these methods may be used simultaneously. Patients are seen by the Acute Pain Management Service on the day of surgery and daily thereafter until their pain has diminished or becomes manageable by standard oral analgesic regimens.